Department of
Applied Chemistry Lab
Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering Lab
The department of Humanities & Sciences fosters the foundation courses to all the branches of Engineering. It includes four diverse subjects: Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics and Professional Communication(English). Well-equipped laboratories and workshop are attached to the department. The strength of the department lies in the faculty with an average of 20 years of teaching experience. The Department has 07 Doctorates and one faculty is pursuing Ph.D. The institution responsibilities are shared at various frontiers, like NSS Unit Officer, Alumni Cell, E Cell Faculty Advisor, Student Universal Human Values(UHV) Coordinator, College Development Committee member, Women’s Grievance Cell members. The faculty is also a part of Syllabus drafting committee members at university level, Subject experts for University Selection Committee, and so on.
In addition to the curriculum, we strive to instill adaptive skills to serve the rapidly changing requirement for a wide variety of fields. We provide value based learning, focusing to retain and nurture the positive values and ethics in every individual student with a strong belief that they are going to be competent leaders in the field of technology and research. Each student has an access to the best available resources, and facilities in a safe learning environment.
To create an integrated knowledge in the field of engineering and
technology assimilating the components of sciences, Humanities and
engineering, driven by human values.
M1 : To impart cutting edge technology through humanistic approach.
M2 : To qualify students as Engineers by providing applied knowledge in
Basic Sciences.
M3 : To develop technical and communication skills to fit in the capacity
of Engineering in organisations.
M4 : To train them in soft skills and behavioral training sessions to
develop overall personality and social consciousness.
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Dr.Dubewar Atul Vasantrao
Head of Department, Humanities and Science
“Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.”
A warm welcome to the Department of Humanities & Sciences……
The department has a long history having begun in 1988 with four disciplines (English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry). The First Year Engineering is run under this department with all the Basic Foundation Courses in engineering like, Engineering Mechanics, Basic Electrical Engineering, Computer Programming, Engineering Graphics and Basic Workshop Practice. Inspired by the vision and values of the institute, we offer a wide range of courses to the students of technology, and contribute to expanding the frontiers of expertise in the first two semesters. Our students get unique opportunity to learn in technological and multidisciplinary environment.
We encourage students to enhance interpersonal skills and competencies for their overall development. So, we have been making efforts and contributing by helping each one to have access to the best available resources, and facilities in a safe learning environment. Students are encouraged to actively involve in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Hobby Club and Science Club provide an amazing platform to students to showcase their talent and passion in collection of literary, artistic and scientific works. E magazine, ‘Fresher’s Flair’ composed by students of Hobby Club is released every year.
Guest lectures of experts are arranged every year. Students participate in various cultural, sports and technical competitions held at various institutes spread across the country. The department also encourages faculty and students to participate in various seminars, conferences, competitions and events at intra and inter- collegiate levels. We continue on this journey with our commitment to excellence!!
Dr.Dubewar Atul Vasantrao
Associate Professor & HOD
Qualification: Ph.D. (Mathematics)
Experience: 27+ years
Mrs.Bendale Sushma Moreshwar
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc., M.Phil (Mathematics)
Experience: 31+ years
Mr.Deshmukh Nitin Madhukarrao
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. Mathematics
Experience: 31+ years
Dr. (Mrs.) Maiti Kakuli Abhijit
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. Physics, M.Sc. Physics, B.Ed. Educational Technology
Experience: 32+ years
Mrs. Choudhuri Smita Satyananda
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. (Maths) 1993 M.Phil(Maths) 1996
Experience: 20+ years
Mrs. Basle Nalini Manish
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc(Physics), B.Ed.
Experience: 17+ years
Dr.(Mrs.) Chatterjee Meghana
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D., M.A.(English)
Experience: 26+ years
Ms. Patole Shubhangi Ajab
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. (Chemistry)(pursuing), NET-JRF, SET(Chemical Science), M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry)
Experience: 10+ years
Dr. (Ms.)Kanungo Prachi Nitin
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. English 2011
Experience: 12+ years
Mr. Sonkamble Mahesh Bapurao
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A., B.ED. SET, M.Phil (pursuing)
Experience: 7+ years
Mrs. Dakwale Abhiruchi Abhinay
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc ( Mathematics)
Experience: 17+ years
Mr. Patange Shailendra Balasaheb
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M. A. English(Literature)
Experience: 14+ years
Mrs. Chougule Seema Ravindra
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. Physics
Experience: 18+ years
Mrs. Valsangkar Anjali Mangesh
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. ( Chemistry) 1992
Experience: 22+ years
Mrs. Gund Manisha Anand
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. Mathematics 2001, NET 2017
Experience: 13+ years
Dr. (Ms.) Neelu Keshri
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. (Drug Designing) From Allahabad University M.Sc. (Physical Chemistry)
Experience: 13+ years
Mr. Bobade Satish Bapuraoji
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E. :Electronics and Telecommunicatons, B.E. : Electronics
Experience: 32+ years
Ms. Chavan Rupali Sanjay
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.Electronics Engg.(Persuing) , M.E.Electronics and Telcommunication Engg.
Experience: 20+ years
Mr.Shinde Sachin Manohar
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.: Mechanical Engineering (pursuing), M. E. M. E. (CAD/CAM & Robotics), B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)
Experience: 19+ years
Mr. Lahoti Sanjay Narayandas
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Qualifications: M. E.: CAD CAM, M. B. A.: Marketing, B. E.: Production Engineering
Experience: 30+ years
Mrs. Khobragade Prerna Hitesh
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E. (CAD/CAM & Robotics),B.E. (Mechanical)
Experience: 5+ years
Dr. (Mrs) Aruna Henry
Associate Professor
Qualification: Ph. D. ( English) 2001
Experience: 26+ years
Mr. N. B. Vaidya
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.Tech(Power Elex.)
Experience: 30 years
Ms. Sheetal Rawat
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. Mathematics
Experience: 3+ years
Mrs. Priyadarshini Shrigandhi
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M. Sc. (Chemistry)
Experience: 4+ Years
Mr. Ashitosh Trigune
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.Sc (Physics) 2015
Experience: 7+ years
Mrs. Jyoshna R. Deshmukh
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.E. (CAD / CAM & Robotics) 2017
Experience: 5+ years
Mrs. Mayuri Patil
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication)
Experience: 8+ years
Mrs. Kimaya Indulkar
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M. Sc. ( Maths)
Experience: 8+ years
Ms Niti Ganatra
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.A. (English)
Experience: 1+ year
Ms Neha Omprakash Yadav
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. (Mathematics), GATE
Experience: 2+ year
Mr Mazhar Intezar Shaikh
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.Sc. (Mathematics)
Experience: 7+ year
Mr. Kamble Videet Vasant
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M..Tech. Heat Power Engg
Experience: 3+ year
Mr. Sah Brijkishor Bindeshwari
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M..Tech. Industrial Automation Engg
Experience: 9+ year
Mrs. Kalke Madhavi Abijeet
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.: Electronics Engineering
Experience: 5 years - Teaching Experience 2 years - Industry Experience
Mrs. Sneha Sapre
Asst. Professor
Qualification: ME(VLSI & Embedded System)
Experience: 18+
Dr.Prateek U. Jain
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc.,PhD Chemistry
Experience: 11 years