Department of
C-903 Programming Lab
C-905 Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning Lab
C-907 Web Technology Lab
C-1102 Data Analytics Lab
C-1104 Data Structures Lab
C-1105 Machine Learning Lab
Hands on Workshop on SQL
Hands on workshop on Emerging Technologies
Hands on workshop on R-programming with Visualization
Seminar on International Education
Inauguration of SHAIDS
Seminar on Tableau
Seminar on web development
Artificial Intelligence and data science is an emerging branch of engineering and technology influencing industry, academics and research. The objective of this course is to train skilled AI and Data Science professionals. AI and Data Science are not confined to a specific industry and they will have the liberty to work in the areas of their interest. The main areas where Data Science and Artificial Intelligence professionals are in demand are Medicine, Space, Robotics, Automation, Marketing, Information management, Military activities, and many more.
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to any human-like intelligence exhibited by a computer, robot, or other machine. In popular usage, artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the capabilities of the human mind. Artificial Intelligence has grown to be very popular in today’s world. As technologies such as AI continue to grow, they will have a great impact on our quality of life.
Data is now the most valuable resource in the world. Data science (DS) is an emerging field of science that has multiple aspects – for one, it studies and examines a huge amount of data; for another, its branches extend in almost every field. Data science is founded on statistics, mathematics, and programming language. Artificial intelligence encapsulates the concepts of all three fields and acts as the brain of data science. Data science uses techniques, procedures, algorithms, rules, and tools from all these three components and works as a unified mechanism to solve the complex problems that arise in the world around us.
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI-DS) undergraduate engineering course has been started by the institute from July 2021 with the intake capacity of 60 seats and it is now increased to 180 seats from July 2024.
To churn out graduates in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences who would be instrumental in innovating practical business solutions for the Local and Global needs thereby leading the nation along the frontiers of emerging Technology.
M1: To promote an all-inclusive educational environment that aids the 360 degree development of the student.
M2: To develop competencies to address the real time Problems faced and research out practical implementable solutions in the fields of AI-DS and allied ones.
M3: To effectively apply the learning of AI-DS across varied multi-disciplines and imbibe the skills of a Life-Long Learner.
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Dr. Sanjay M. Patil
Head of Department, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Engineering
Welcome to our Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science! Established in 2021-22 with an initial capacity of 60 seats, later expanded to 180 in 2024-25. Our focus is on AI and Data Science, offering ample employment opportunities in various roles. We strive for quality education, fostering AI/ML-based problem-solving skills in diverse fields. Our motivated faculty engages in research and professional development. Students gain practical exposure and are encouraged to participate in national and international competitions through SHAIDS (Students Hive of AI & Data Science). Wishing you a fulfilling learning experience!
Dr. Sanjay Madhukarrao Patil
Professor & HOD
Qualification: Ph.D. : Computer Science and Technology, M.E.: Electronics Engineering(Spec. in Computer Technology), B.E.: Electronics Engineering
Experience: 31+ years
Mr. Anil Satyadeo Londhe
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Electronics Engineering
Experience: 21+ years
Dr. Preeti Nitin Jain
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph. D. Electronics Engineering
Experience: 20+ years
Mrs. Deepali Sanjay Chavan
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Computer Engineering
Experience: 10+ years
Mrs. Monal Nilesh Malge
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Computer Engineering
Experience: 7+ years
Mrs. Neha Kunal Kale
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Computer Engineering
Experience: 6+ years
Mrs. Deepti Jeetu Janjani
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Information Technology
Experience: 3+ years
Mrs. Vrushali Diwakar Dharmale
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Information Technology
Experience: 9+ years
Mrs. Poonam Amit Kamble
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Computer Engineering
Experience: 3+ years
Mrs. Aarti Raman Sonawane
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Computer Engineering
Experience: 3+ years
Mrs. Swati Sankesh Parhad
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M. Tech Computer Engineering
Experience: 3+ years
Mrs. Amita Priyadarshan Suke
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Computer Engineering
Experience: 9+ years
Mrs. Irin Anna Solomon
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech in Network and Cyber Security
Experience: 3+ years
Mrs. Shraddha Anant Narhari(Kawji)
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E.Computer Engineering
Experience: 3+ years
Mrs. Anjali Devi Milind Patil
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E Computer Science and Engineering, Ph.D Computer Science and Engineering(Pursuing)
Experience: 17+ years