


D.M.C.E UHV Cell in line with “Skill based education with values” provides the next generation a thought leadership to society. Introducing values in education is a way to reach all human beings. The UHV course strives to teach about values by remaining connected to the present situation. It gives an opportunity to students to explore oneself and experience the joy of learning, prepares one to stand up to peer pressure and take decisions with courage, be aware of relationships and be sensitive to others, understand the role of money in life and experience the feeling of prosperity in terms of happiness. Need for character building has been underlined by many thinkers, universal human values provide the base. Methodology of teaching this content is extremely important. It is not through do’s and dont’s, but by getting the students to explore and think by engaging them in a process of dialogue. It is best taught through group discussions and real life activities rather than lecturing. It is essential for giving exposure, guiding thoughts, and realizing values under the guidance of mentor. Thus developing the right understanding with a balance of relationship and physical facility. UHV expects teachers to act as a role model. Teacher’s relationship with the students is crucial. They become a friend, philosopher and guide. There is complementarity of skills and values—their relative placement with respect to each other needs to be understood. For an understanding of one’s expectations, it would require clarity of one’s goals, besides knowledge about living in family, society and nature. Therefore, in this course we discuss and assists in developing goals of students, including how they relate to family, society and nature with real life experiences.


Students training session

Introduction to lab equipments and hands-on training session for school students

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faculty development program

on human values

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FDP ON Universal Human Values


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fdp on universal human values

speaker interacting with audience

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fdp on UHV


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