DMCE IEEE Student Branch was formed in the year 2014 and is listed under IEEE Bombay Section, Region 10. IEEE Student Branch of DMCE code is STB60541. The Executive Committee of IEEE Student Branch, DMCE consists of Branch Counselor, Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster. To work together as a team, DMCE IEEE Student Branch aims to have regular meetings, build a good rapport with all the IEEE student members, arrange for varied and interesting activities for the students and keep our Student Branch vibrant.
- To organize Seminars, Hands-on Workshops, Industrial Field visits, Expert Lectures and Technical Events for students & faculty members on and off campus that helps in Skill Development & Lifelong Learning.
- To create an awareness about the industry standards and expectations amongst students by networking with IEEE and Industry professionals.
- To imbibe leadership qualities, team spirit and research culture amongst students for technological novelty and excellence with communal benefits.
Student Benefits:
- IEEEXtreme
- Awards Program
- Scholarships
- Conferences
- Potentials Magazine
- Student Travel Grants
Members can also:
- Access individual Society memberships and subscriptions
- Connect with local IEEE Sections and volunteer leadership
- Find upcoming conferences
- Learn more about individual benefits
- Read the latest news from IEEE, IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Standards News, and The Institute

Established On: 2014-02-01
Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Saumya Salian